Mondays, Wednesdays
1–2:30pm ET
3–4pm ET
4–5pm ET
Week 1
| The Value of Visualization & Intro the Housing Crisis
| Tech Stack Setup |
| Data & Image Models |
| Intro to Web Technologies & HTML |
| Norman, D. A. (1993). Chapter 3: The Power of Representation. In Things That Make Us Smart: Defending Human Attributes in the Age of the Machine. |
Week 2
| Case Studies in Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) |
| Election Spending EDA with Tableau
| CSS & Design Systems |
| D’Ignazio, C. and Klein, L. (2020). Chapter 3: On Rational, Scientific, Objective Viewpoints from Mythical, Imaginary, Impossible Standpoints. In Data Feminism. |
Week 3
| Designing for Perception |
| (In)Effective Visual Encoding
| JavaScript |
| He, H. A., Walny, J., Thoma, S., Carpendale, S., & Willett, W. (2023). Enthusiastic and grounded, avoidant and cautious: Understanding public receptivity to data and visualizations. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. |
Week 4
| Narrative Visualization |
| Race, Gender, and the Ethics of Numbers
| Svelte.js I (Templating & Control Flow) |
| Lee, C., Yang, T., Inchoco, G., Jones, G.M., & Satyanarayan, A. (2021). Viral Visualizations: How Coronavirus Skeptics Use Orthodox Data Practices to Promote Unorthodox Science Online. ACM CHI 2021. |
Week 5
| Data Client (MAPC) Visits |
| Housing History and Policy Priorities in Massachusetts
| Svelte.js II (Loading Data & Reactivity) |
| Homes for Profit: Speculation and Investment in Greater Boston |
Week 6
| Intro to Developing Web-Based Visualization |
| A Tour through the Interaction Zoo I |
| Visualizing categorical data with D3 |
| Pattillo, M. (2013). Housing: Commodity Versus Right. Annual Review of Sociology 39: 509-31. |
Week 7
| A Tour through the Interaction Zoo II |
| FP Pitch Presentations
| Visualizing quantitative data with D3 |
| Lee-Robbins E, Adar E (2022). Affective learning objectives for communicative visualizations. IEEE TVCG 2022. |
Week 8
| Spring Break |
Week 9
| Maps, Map Projections & Cartographic Design |
| Intro to GIS, Spatial Analysis, and Census Data |
| Geospatial visualizations |
| Connolly, N. D. B., Winling, L., Nelson R. K., and Marciano, R. (2018). Mapping inequality: ‘Big data’ meets social history in the story of redlining. In The Routledge Companion to Spatial History, pp. 502-524. |
Week 10
| Color |
| Animation
| Animation & Scrollytelling |
| Sarikaya, A., Correll, M., Bartram, L.R., Tory, M.K., & Fisher, D. (2019). What Do We Talk About When We Talk About Dashboards? IEEE TVCG. |
Week 11
| Accessibility I |
| Accessibility II |
| Accessibility |
| Chundury, P., Patnaik, B., Reyazuddin, Y., Tang, C., Lazar, J., & Elmqvist, N. (2021). Towards Understanding Sensory Substitution for Accessible Visualization: An Interview Study. IEEE TVCG |
Week 12
| President’s Day |
| Error & Uncertainty (Guest Lecture) |
Week 13
| Final Project MVP Presentations
| TBD (Guest Lecture) |
Week 14
| TBD (Guest Lecture) |
| TBD (Guest Lecture) |
Week 15
| Final Project Showcase |