Animation Components Interpolation: Intermediate states from A to B Progression: What advances the timeline?
Relevant technologies CSS [CSS Transitions]( `transition` property Automatically animate changes in CSS properties [CSS Animations]( `animation` property, `@keyframes` Tween CSS properties with arbitrary keyframes [`@starting-style`]( Set the start state for the CSS transitions of newly created elements JS [View Transitions API]( Animate arbitrary DOM changes [`requestAnimationFrame()`]( Run arbitrary code at the client’s framerate [Web Animations API]( JS way to create and run CSS animations D3 [`d3-transition`]( `d3.transition()` Animate arbitrary attributes or properties at arbitrary times [`d3-ease`]( Control how the transition progresses Svelte [Transitions]( [`transition:fn`]( [`in:fn`, `out:fn`]( Animate elements when they are added or removed from the DOM [Animations]( [`animate:fn`]( Animate elements when they are reordered or moved